Written By: Tom Bemiller

Episode 23: Life on the Edge

Life on the Edge: An Entrepreneur’s Story of Survival during COVID-19

Life on the Edge is my story about surviving COVID-19 as an entrepreneur and small business owner outside of Philadelphia. I started documenting the happenings of each day about two weeks into lock down so that when I look back on this time I will be able to remember it for exactly what it is. 

My goal with Life on the Edge is to provide an inside look into a small business struggling to survive, my first major crisis as a leader, and ultimately the process of saving a small company during a global disaster. I hope that by sharing my experience I might help other entrepreneurs and business owners during this time. 

In Episode 23, I run down a list of the high level, strategic items that need my attention right now. It is challenging keeping all the balls up in the air, making sure nothing drops. One of the hardest parts through all of this is staying mentally in the game; it's easy to feel defeated in the face of what seems like an unending stream of bad news slapping me in the face. Even the lift we got when we received the PPP loan funds was short lived as the stark reality of putting the funds to use without clear guidelines from the SBA sets in. 

Check out the video below to see where my attention and focus is today, as well as to hear the latest in the American Express saga. 




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