Written By: Tom Bemiller

Episode 61: Life on the Edge

Life on the Edge: An Entrepreneur’s Story of Survival during COVID-19

Episode 61 of the series was shot on the morning of June 13, 2020. We are a couple of weeks into July, and I am behind getting third quarter goals established for the company and each teammate. I feel strongly that everyone needs to have specific goals that they are working towards and that each goal should have a deadline. I like to use quarters as deadlines because 3 months is long enough to get some real work done and make significant progress, but short enough to keep everyone's attention and focus (most of the time). 

I feel a bit of stress about these goals because we are into the quarter and haven't completely established our goals, so I'm concerned that my team is unfocused and wasting time. Our goals for the quarter are going to be very similar as Q2 as we are still living in this 'pandemic' world. Our revenues haven't completely recovered so we have stay focused on new business, as well as continuing the work we started on improving operations last quarter. We're not out of the woods yet, so cash flow remains a top priority daily for each person on the team. 



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