Written By: The Aureus Group
Episode 7: Life on the Edge
Life on the Edge is my story about surviving COVID-19 as a small business owner and entrepreneur in America. I started documenting the happenings of each day about two weeks into the mandatory lock-down so that when I look back on this time I will be able to remember it for exactly what it is. As I was creating content, I realized that I may be able to others in the same situation and so I'll be releasing one episode at a time to share with the world.
My goal with Life on the Edge is to provide a behind-the-scenes view into leading through crisis, saving a distressed company during an economic disaster, and fighting the mental battles that are invariably associated with crisis like this one. I hope to that by sharing my experience, I might help other entrepreneurs and business owners during this difficult time.
In Episode 7, you'll get an inside look into our virtual, daily Situation Room meeting where my focus is getting the energy of my team up to a high level and inspiring them to do the work that will create our success coming out of the pandemic.
I have found that in times like these, it is easy for people to get caught up in the 'bad news cycle,' and get lost in a spiral of negativity, worry, stress, anxiety, and even depression. Each day, I intentionally bring an extremely high level of energy to my interactions with my team because I know that the biggest energy in the room will always prevail; therefore, I must overcome all the negativity surrounding COVID-19 in order to infect my teammates with productive, positive energy. One of the most important jobs of the CEO is to manage the energy level inside their company...
Tags: COVID-19