Written By: Tom Bemiller
Episode 11: Life on the Edge
Life on the Edge is my story about surviving COVID-19 as a small business owner and entrepreneur outside Philadelphia. I started documenting the happenings of each day about two weeks into the mandatory lock-down so that when I look back on this time I will be able to remember it for exactly what it is.
My goal with Life on the Edge is to provide a inside look into a small business struggling to survive, my first major crisis as a leader, and ultimately the process of saving a distressed company during a global disaster. I hope that by sharing my experience, I might help other entrepreneurs and business owners during this difficult time.
In Episode 11, I talk about where my focus is on a Monday morning, as well as share some good news received on our Priority to secure funding to survive the crisis. I know how hard Monday, and especially Monday morning can be, and so I am very intentional about infusing my team with energy right away. My goal is to get the energy level up right away, and then keep it up throughout the week, so that we use the time available to us to make progress on our priorities. If we give up on Mondays, we lose 20% of our productive work time!
How many times have you seen someone who had "a case of the Mondays?" Or how many times have you heard someone say, "I'm not a morning person..." or "talk to me after I've had my coffee..." These are stories that people tell themselves that, after some time, they start to believe. After enough time, the story becomes so ingrained in their thinking, it becomes part of the person him or herself. The good news is that all you have to change to change how you show up on Monday is to change the story you are telling yourself!
Tags: COVID-19